Committee Chairs
Committee chairs serve one-year terms and serve on the Staff Council Executive Board.
Communications Committee
Kaylon Emeary
Staff Development Committee
Kristi Noel
Fundraising Committee
Charles Vincent
Benefits Committee
Renee Witherspoon
Standing Committees
Staff Council has four standing committees appointed each year by the council's vice president. Each committee elects its own chair and secretary.
Benefits Committee
This committee shall review staff members’ concerns regarding benefits and make recommendations, establish subcommittees when necessary, and refer items as necessary. This committee is also responsible for managing the staff council scholarship process.
- Renee Witherspoon (Chair)
- Michele Brown
- Kristi Camacho
- Elizabeth Elizondo
- Brooke Johnson
- Michelle Johnson
- Michael Saenz
- Vy Trang
- The Chief Human Resources Officer, or designee, serves as an ex-officio member of the committee.
Communications Committee
This committee shall plan and coordinate activities at which constituents can meet their representatives and learn about Staff Council activities; serve as the public relations committee of Staff Council while working with the UTD Office of Communications to publicize the Staff Council; and generally promote the Staff Council as opportunities arise.
- Kaylon Emeary (Chair)
- Sean Collins
- Cynthia Heyn
- Stephanie Jones
- Jerry latson
- Liliana Moreno
- Pinky Reyes
- David Willoughby
Fundraising Committee
Designs, proposes and facilitates all activities to grow the Staff Council Scholarship Fund.
- Charles Vincent (Chair)
- Kathi Ehring
- Sheila Kelly
- Tandiwe Maithya
- Artiste McClellan
- Tiffany Parker
- Alexis Rodriquez
- Kristen Walker
Staff Development Committee
This committee shall review ways in which constituents can benefit from training programs. The committee may address such issues as career and professional development, orientation/mentoring, diversity training, and basic skills development. Additionally, this committee organizes the “Staff Appreciation” events.
- Kristi Noel (Chair)
- Elena Galli Grant
- Dennis Guten
- Cerise Hawker
- Baylee Moster
- Beverly Reed
- Kat Ross
- Carlos Tapia
- Betsy Willis
- The Chief Human Resources Officer, or designee, serves as an ex-officio member of the committee.
University-Wide Committees
Staff Council recommends members to various university-wide committees, and official appointments are made by the University president or provost. Committee appointments are generally made during the summer months for the upcoming fiscal year.
- Academic Calendar Committee
- Cerise Hawker
- Kristi Camacho
- Auxiliary Services Advisory Committee
- Renee Witherspoon
- Campus Accessibility Committee
- Kaylon Emeary
- Campus Facilities Committee
- Betsy Willis
- Campus Wellness Committee
- Michael Saenz
- Beverly Reed
- Committee on Electronic Forms and Administrative Efficiency
- Kristi Noel
- Heather Oltmann
- Betsy Willis
- Pinky Reyes
- Committee on Parking and Transportation
- Vy Trang
- Information Technology Planning and Policy Committee
- Charles Vincent
- Police Oversight Committee
- Michelle Rinehart
- Kristin Walker
- Elena Galli Grant
- Student Fee Advisory Committee
- Sheila Kelly
- Michelle Johnson
- University Safety and Security Council
- Tiffany Parker
- University Sustainability Committee
- Baylee Moster