Staff and faculty now have the opportunity to provide their confidential opinions in the 2022 Employee Climate Survey. An email with a link to the survey was sent Monday, February 28. The survey will be open until Sunday, March 13. Your participation will help UTD enhance what is working well, find solutions to issues and challenges impacting the workplace, and assess current and future needs of a changing work environment.
The survey is being administered by Glint, a third-party vendor. Glint aggregates, or combines, ratings and comments to ensure participant confidentiality. Glint’s reporting does not identify individual responses, and numerical results are presented only in aggregate form.
When the survey is complete, the Employee Climate Survey Committee will receive the findings and provide recommendations to President Richard C. Benson on possible action items to address any concerns. Deans and vice presidents will receive a report specific to their school or division, and a public report will be posted on the employee survey website by early summer.
Your feedback and participation are very important. Please take a few minutes to fill out the survey. For more information, please visit the 2022 Employee Climate Survey website.